Home Solar Energy System

February 15, 2017
Home Solar Energy System
Alternative solar energy is a huge means to save cash all around your home. The initial thing you consider when your hear, ‘solar energy’, is, of course, hot water. But there are so many additional functions around the house that can be handled by solar energy.

For instance, you can construct a solar cooker that simply focuses the sun’s rays to heat your foodstuff. With plain low-energy solar cells, you can pump water to a fountain or keep a water flow in a fish pond.

Landscape lighting can be power-driven by these similar types of solar cells, and incorporating solar design efficiencies into the plan of your pool or spa, provides massive payback.

But let us focus on the big three passive home designs that incorporate solar energy use; solar water heaters, low-cost projects using solar cells, and a DIY project that utilizes solar cells as your option to utility power.

The use of passive solar design in a house is the most resourceful means to implement solar power. A number of methods are:

  • setting up insulated large windows on walls facing south.
Tip: Keep all south-facing window’s glass, dirt free.

  • locating a thermal mass (a concrete slab floor or wall) close to a casement that will be sunlit.
Tip: Do not block sunlight falling on floors or walls.

  • using insulating curtains on these large windows at night to prevent heat loss. 

Why People Prefer This

You can be assured of anywhere from half to almost all of your need for hot water in your home with a solar water heater. The options available to you depend a great deal on your weather along with your water use.

All solar water heaters integrate 2 essential features, a heat collector and a storage tank. They can be classified as either active or passive.

A passive (or direct) system has no pumps, and is longer lasting, easier to maintain, and less expensive than an active system.

A dynamic (or indirect) system has controls and pumps to move heat conveying fluids from the collector part to the storage section, where the home’s water is heated.

Both types either require the use of conventional water heaters as a backup, or act as a pre-heater for a conservative unit.

A passive system, since it circulates water outside, is not a suitable option for locales with freezing temperatures. An active system, since the heat moves fluids, acts as a kind of anti-freeze, and does not have this trouble.

Home Solar Energy System – Solar Cells for Small Projects

Solar energy directly powers photovoltaic cells, silicon semi-conductors that in fact turn sunlight into electrical current.

A DIY person would discover a small solar cell project remarkable, maybe as a precursor to the large-scale project described next.

You do have to have some electrical information, and some soldering knowledge for projectsincorporating solar cells.

You can get plans online for all types of projects: fountains, attic vent fans, motion detectors, battery chargers, timed sprinklers, solar ovens, water purification systems, and many others.

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